You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Inventory > Item Inquiry - Dissection > Dissection - Manufacture
Dissection - Manufacture

The MANUFACTURE option under the DISSECTION menu on the Item Inquiry screen provides access to inquiries on works orders produced in the Micronet Kitting System, manufactured jobs in MJC and job tickets in MRF. Use the table below to choose the inquiry you want to perform.

The quantities on these three reports make up the total in the On Man(ufacture) column on the Item Inquiry screen.

To inquire on...

Refer to this topic

Current works orders in MDS for an assembly or kit item

"Dissection - Manufacture - Kit on Works Order"

Current manufactured jobs in MJC for an assembly or kit item

"Dissection - Manufacture - Items on Job Manufacture"

Current job tickets in MRF for an assembly or kit item

"Dissection - Manufacture - Manufactured in MRF"



Technical Tip

In Micronet 2.7, these options are under DISSECTION | W/OR OR JOB.